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Πρόγραμμα - Δελτίο Τύπου - Αφίσα - Φόρμα Εγγραφής Programme - Poster |
Έκθεση "Μεγαλώνοντας ένα Παιδί μέσα από τα Κάγκελα της Φυλακής"
Φωτογραφίες & Δημιουργίες
στο Κατάστημα Κράτησης Γυναικών Ελεώνα Θήβας

4th Managerial Meeting
The Project's 4th Managerial Meeting was held on the 24th through the 26th of November 2011 in Athens (Greece). The objectives of this meeting were for the partnership: i) to overview the progress of the project's research, intervention and building capacity activities since the previous Managerial Meeting in May 2011, ii) to share the experience obtained and the lessons learned from the implementation of each activity in each one of the 3 countries, iii) to mutually decide upon the implementation of the ongoing and/or pending activities and iv) to discuss further several managerial issues. A total of 11 participants (representatives of each partner-organization) participated.
Meeting's Agenda
Conference "Raising a Child through Prison Bars"
23rd of November 2011, Athens, Greece
ProgrammeMeeting's Agenda
Conference "Raising a Child through Prison Bars"
23rd of November 2011, Athens, Greece
Presentations available at Related Material & links
3rd Managerial Meeting
The Project's 3rd Managerial Meeting was held in on 2nd through the 4th of May 2011 in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). A total of 11 participants (partner organizations representatives) participated n order to overview the progress of the project insofar, to mutually decide upon the implementation of future activities and to discuss further several managerial issues.

Press Releases
Family Ties Building Activities - "Special Day"
Δράση για την Ενίσχυση των Οικογενειακών Δεσμών - "Μια Ξεχωριστή Κυριακή"
National Task Forces Training (Train-the-Trainers Seminar)
A 2-day train-the-trainers seminar was held in Athens (Greece) from 18-19 October 2010. A total of 12 participants (representatives of all partner organizations) were trained in order to be able to implement the core intervention activities of this project, namely the Imprisoned Mothers' Support Groups as well as the Children's of Imprisoned Parents Support Groups, in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania.
2nd Managerial Meeting
The Project's 2nd Managerial Meeting was held in Athens (Greece) from 20-22 of October 2010. A total of 11 participants (partner organizations representatives and experts) participated in order to overview the progress of the project so far, to mutually decide upon the organization and implementation of the future activities, to set the tasks to be accomplished by the partnership until the 3rd Managerial Meeting and to discuss further several managerial issues.
List of Meeting's Working Documents
- Literature review: barries and results (.pps) (.pps)
- Research Activities
- Manuals to be developed (.pps) (.pps)
- Needs Assessment with prison's personnel (.pps)
- Training & Sensitization of prison staff (.pps)
- Intervention Activities into Prison
- Children's of Imprisoned Parents Support Groups
1st Managerial Meeting
The Project's 1st Managerial Meeting was held in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) from 17-19 of February 2010. A total of 15 participants (partner organizations representatives and experts) participated in the meeting in order to dicuss and decide upon the project's tasks and other managerial issues.
List of Meeting's Working Documents
- Overview of the Project
- Detailed Work Plan & Timetable (.pps) (.pdf)
- Current situation concerning women prisons in Bulgaria, Greece & Romania
- Research Instruments
- Building Capacity Activities (.pps) (.pdf)
- Intervention Activities (.pps) (.pdf)
- Dissemination (.pps) (.pdf)
- External Evaluation
- Managerial & Financial Issues
- Documents